My Week In Pictures Lockdown 3 Week 9

My Week In Pictures Lockdown 3 Week 9

This week must have been the wettest in history! Every time I ventured out of the house I was either hailed on, rained on or almost blown away. I don’t mean to start my blog post talking about the weather as there has been other stuff way more interesting going on but I did feel like it was slightly against me. Thank goodness I don’t bother doing my hair anymore! Lockdown will do that to a girl. Anyone else found that hair care has gone way down in their priorities? If you are only seeing your nearest and dearest and popping to the local shops what’s the point? Wow, what an opening; weather and hair! Are you hooked?

Luxe Lunch

Sunday was so good and literally the only day of the week that the sun shined which couldn’t help lift one’s mood. It was everything a good Sunday should be. Great food, champagne, bubble-tastic company and old movies.

Serena (in our bubble), Steve and I got dressed up and created a luxurious lunch featuring truffles, gold leaf and champagne. We have been trying every couple of weeks or so to have a themed lunch or supper and this weeks lunch theme was Luxe.

We dined on truffle filled and lobster filled handmade pasta followed by the most gloriously rich and dark chocolate mousse topped with special gold leaf. We drank Lanson champagne and discovered a remarkable English sparkling wine from Ridgeview Vineyard that both Serena and I have purchased again since trying. It has that delightful biscuity flavour profile that you get from traditional champagne.

The afternoon finished with an old movie. One of my all-time favourite films, The Pink Panther starring Peter Sellers and David Niven. I must have watched it 50 times and never tire of the silly slapstick humour. For me, the costumes and the elegance of the film are the highlight. Plus, I love the setting. All that snow! Something that we rarely have in Devon.

Hot Chocolate Date

My weekly hot chocolate date with Emma had to move undercover. We found a perfect sheltered spot to sit whilst the rain poured down around us. If you haven’t tried The Tiny Tasting Room’s hot chocolate yet I urge you to do so. I think it might be the best in Exeter! The Tiny Tasting Room is situated on Martin’s Lane, the cut-way between High Street and Cathedral Yard. The staff are always friendly and welcoming which makes all the difference too.

Talking Of Tiny

Keeping with the tiny theme, Emma gave me a teeny gift of a homemade personalised lavender cushion. She has been making them for her customers who shop through her vintage clothing and homewares store on Etsy. A free gift with purchase but they can also be purchase individually. On seeing mine I instantly put in an order so I can give them away as little Easter gifts. I think they are adorable.


I have been baking focaccia almost everyday this week since discovering how easy it is. It’s my new favourite rainy day activity. Perhaps I shall share the recipe I use? Would you like that? It’s super easy and extremely moorish. Once you take a bite you can’t stop.

Next Week

Next week I have a themed Saturday night in my diary at The Lyngarth Arms. The Lyngarth is our homegrown pub that used to be a shed. Steve has turned a small wooden shed into a very authentic and traditional “old man” pub complete with dartboard and scampi fries.

So, next Saturday The Lyngarth Arms holds its first-ever 80’s night. I am already planning the buffet. I am thinking prawn cocktail, cheese and pineapple on sticks and vol au vants! That’s pretty 80’s right?

Don’t forget you can always follow me on my Instagram for any day to day foodie findings and recipe inspiration. Alternatively, sign up to my mailing list so you never miss out on a post. You won’t be bombarded with emails. It’s normally once a week and very occasionally two if I do a recipe in between.

Have a wonderful week everybody. Let’s hope this rain and wind finally says farewell and the sun comes back out. Fingers crossed for that.

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