My Week In Pictures 45/17

The week in pictures

Two of my oldest friends and I decided that it would be a great idea to do a car boot sale to clear out all of our old junk on Sunday. Chloe has three children and there are always old toys, clothes that they have grown out of to pass on. For Sarah and me it’s more of a general clear out. Clothes, shoes, DVD’s etc that need to find new homes. We all met at the local bootie at 6.15am and entered in a convoy in order to set up next to each other. To be honest, not only is it a way of making a few quid out of our cast offs but it’s also a social thing. As much as we all moan about the early start we always have a laugh. Normally we bake cakes to munch on, take flasks of tea to keep us warm and we laugh our way through 4 or 5 hours. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t want to do that every week but two or three times a year it works. This time, Sarah had made us some signs and so TCS Discount Stores was born!

On Thursday I took a trip to my local farmers market in Exeter. I try and visit most weeks to stock up on veggies from Shillingford and Linscombe Farm. You can’t beat organic, irregular veggies that are full of flavour can you? Whilst there I stumbled across Bake Free. A stall that makes and sells gluten-free cakes and savouries. Now, I am not gluten intolerant but I know many people that are. I just like tasty food and I adore cake! I got pulled towards the stall by the yummy morsels on display and had fancied a slice of cake to have with my morning cuppa. It was a hard choice but I eventually plumped for a slice of carrot cake. I think it was the cinnamon butter icing that got me!

It’s been a little quiet this week which has suited me just fine. I have a manic few weeks coming up with ballet exams just around the corner. With that comes teaching extra classes in preparation which doesn’t leave much time for fun stuff.  I do try and squeeze stuff in here and there though. I can’t go a week without a little bit of a jolly to look forward to.

You can keep up to date with my daily news on Instagram and Twitter as always. Have a great week!

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